Upaya Mengatasi Masalah Kualitas Hasil Cetak Offset Kemasan Box Hokben Pada Mesin Komori Lithrone Gl-644 Di PT Solo Murni

Naufal Rahmawan, Riandy (2024) Upaya Mengatasi Masalah Kualitas Hasil Cetak Offset Kemasan Box Hokben Pada Mesin Komori Lithrone Gl-644 Di PT Solo Murni. Diploma thesis, Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif.

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Problems with print quality are often found in the workplace. This situation results in the company incurring losses, which is why it is important to reduce the reject mold. The author feels that it is very necessary to identify mold quality control using the 4M method (machine, material, man, method) to find out the factors that cause quality problems in Hokben box packaging molds. The proposed solution is to carry out routine maintenance on the Komori Lithrone GL-644 engine to prevent problems or errors in the engine. Management also needs to provide training to employees to improve their skills in operating machines and comply with K3 regulations, regular monitoring and evaluation of the production process is also very important to ensure that the quality of the mold is always at the desired standard. By implementing these measures, it is expected that the quality of the print results can be improved, the number of reject molds can be reduced, and the production efficiency will increase, which will ultimately reduce the company's losses and increase competitiveness in the market.
Keywords: Print Quality, Quality Control

Permasalahan pada kualitas cetak sering kali ditemukan di lapangan kerja. Keadaan ini mengakibatkan perusahaan mengalami kerugian, oleh karena itu penting untuk mengurangi cetakan reject. Penulis merasa sangat perlu mengidentifikasi pengendalian kualitas cetakan dengan menggunakan metode 4M (machine, material, man, method) untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penyebab permasalahan kualitas pada cetakan kemasan box Hokben. Solusi yang diajukan adalah melakukan pemeliharaan rutin pada mesin Komori Lithrone GL-644 untuk mencegah kendala atau error pada mesin. Manajemen juga perlu memberikan pelatihan kepada karyawan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dalam mengoperasikan mesin serta mematuhi ketentuan K3, dengan menerapkan langkah-langkah tersebut, diharapkan kualitas hasil cetakan dapat meningkat, jumlah cetakan reject berkurang, dan efisiensi produksi meningkat, yang pada akhirnya akan mengurangi kerugian perusahaan dan meningkatkan daya saing di pasar.
Kata Kunci: Kualitas Cetak, Pengendalian Kualitas

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Additional Information: 1. Pembimbing I: Antinah Latif,S.Kp.G.,M.K.M 2. Pembimbing II: Widi Sriyanto, S.Pd.,M.Pd.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Keywords: Print Quality, Quality Control Kata Kunci: Kualitas Cetak, Pengendalian Kualitas
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Q Science > QC Physics
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery
T Technology > TS Manufactures
Divisions: Polimedia Jakarta > Jurusan Teknik Grafika > Prodi Teknik Grafika
Depositing User: Riandy Naufal Rahmawan
Date Deposited: 26 Aug 2024 08:25
Last Modified: 26 Aug 2024 08:25
URI: http://repository.polimedia.ac.id/id/eprint/8835

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