Perpaduan Motif Belimbing Dewa Dan Motif Kujang Pena Khas Depok Pada Busana Kerja Wanita (Studi Kasus: Kaski Atelier)

Widyaning Tyas, Sitoresmi (2024) Perpaduan Motif Belimbing Dewa Dan Motif Kujang Pena Khas Depok Pada Busana Kerja Wanita (Studi Kasus: Kaski Atelier). Diploma thesis, Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif.

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Perpaduan Motif Belimbing Dewa dan Motif Kujang Khas Depok Pada Busana Kerja Wanita 1.pdf
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Kaski Atelier is a local business brand that was born from the desire to introduce Depok batik to ordinary people who still don't know about Depok motif. Products made by Kaski Atelier are ready to wear and custom made clothing, in the form of mukenas, casual batik, ready to wear blouses, outerwear, one set, family uniforms. With the current lack of development of Depok motifs, Kaski Atelier wants to develop a typical Depok motif for Kaski Atelier and wants to create a target user of working women aged 25-30 years because so far Kaski Atelier's target user is 35-50 years. This made the researchers decide to partner with the Kaski Atelier brand to create an innovative product in the form of women's work clothes with a target user aged 25-30 years, living in Jakarta and upper middle class. It is hoped The combination of the starfruit god motif and the typical Depok cleaver pen motif is expected to make adult working women like Depok motifs and the Kaski Atelier brand has its own distinctive motif.

Kaski Atelier merupakan sebuah lokal brand yang lahir dari keinginan untuk mengenalkan batik Depok pada masyarakat awam yang masih banyak belum mengetahui tentang motif batik depok. Kaski Atelier ingin adanya pengembangan motif Depok yang khas untuk Kaski Atelier dan ingin membuat target user wanita kerja berusia 25-30 tahun. Tujuan dalam penulisan ini adalah dapat merancang busana kerja wanita dengan perpaduan motif belimbing dewa dan motif kujang khas Depok. Pada penelitian ini menerapkan metode Hasso Plattner Institute of Design di Stanford dengan 5 tahapan yaitu, Emphatize, Define, Ideat, Prototype, Test. Data yang diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi, dan literatur. Hasil penelitian ini penulis membuat Perpaduan motif belimbing dewa dan motif Kujang Pena khas Depok bagi wanita kerja berusia 25-30 tahun untuk menyukai dan mengenal busana kerja motif belimbing dewa dan motif Kujang Pena khas Depok sebagai brand Kaski Atelier.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Additional Information: 1. Pratiwi Kusumowardhani, M.Ds 2. Dr. Atiek Rohmiyati, M.Pd
Uncontrolled Keywords: Starfruit God Motif, Cleaver Pen The Typical Depok, Women Work Wear Motif Belimbing Dewa , Motif Kujang Pena Khas , Busana Kerja Wanita
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB2300 Higher Education
N Fine Arts > NC Drawing Design Illustration
N Fine Arts > NK Decorative arts Applied arts Decoration and ornament
Z Bibliography. Library Science. Information Resources > Z719 Libraries (General)
Divisions: Polimedia Jakarta > Jurusan Desain > Prodi Desain Mode
Depositing User: Sitoresmi Widyaning Tyas
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2024 03:00
Last Modified: 30 Aug 2024 03:00

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