Perancangan Busana Pesta Wanita Plus Size Dengan Pengaplikasian Motif Tunggul Kawung (Studi Kasus : Handayani Geulis)

Sifa Zanesha, Kania (2024) Perancangan Busana Pesta Wanita Plus Size Dengan Pengaplikasian Motif Tunggul Kawung (Studi Kasus : Handayani Geulis). Diploma thesis, Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif.

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Handayani Geulis Batik Bogor, a company which operates in the field of batik
education and the production of typical Bogor batik cloth with patents, envisions
two main problems increasing demand for plus size clothing from consumers with
a made to order system which takes 7-10 days so it is less efficient and has the
potential to hinder consumer satisfaction. The Tunggul Kawung motif is one of the
typical Bogor motifs which is rarely created so its potential has not been
optimally optimized. This research aims to design plus size party clothing that is
innovative and suits the needs of plus size women in Handayani Geulis.
Qualitative method with the application of design think Hasso Plattner, data
collection through observation and surveys through questionnaires. Based on the
results of this research, designing plus size party clothes using stamped batik
techniques in a feminine casual chic edgy look, with ruffle details and color
choices based on consumer preferences. This research produced a party dress
design for plus size women aged 30-35 years with the Tunggul Kawung motif
which was created to provide innovation in plus size clothing and increase the
self-confidence of plus size women.
Keywords: party wear, plus size women, Bogor batik motifs, Tunggul Kawung
Handayani Geulis Batik Bogor perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang edukasi
membatik dan produksi kain batik khas Bogor dengan hak paten, dihadapkan dua
permasalahan utama meningkatnya permintaan busana plus size dari konsumen
dengan sistem made to order yang memakan waktu 7-10 hari sehingga kurang
efisien dan berpotensi menghambat kepuasan konsumen. Motif Tunggul Kawung
salah satu motif khas Bogor yang jarang dikreasikan sehingga potensinya belum
dioptimalkan secara maksimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang busana
pesta plus size yang inovatif dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan wanita plus size di
Handayani Geulis. Metode kualitatif dengan penerapan design thinking hasso
plattner, pengumpulan data dengan observasi dan survei melalui kuisioner.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, perancangan busana pesta plus size dengan
teknik batik cap bergaya feminin casual chic edgy look, dengan detail ruffle dan
pilihan warna berdasarkan preferensi konsumen. Penelitian ini menghasilkan
rancangan busana pesta wanita plus size usia 30-35 tahun dengan motif Tunggul
Kawung yang dikreasikan untuk memberikan inovasi busana plus size dan
meningkatkan kepercayaan diri wanita plus size.
Kata kunci: busana pesta, wanita plus size, motif batik Bogor, motif Tunggul

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Additional Information: Pratiwi Kusumowardhani, M.Ds Hesti Nurhayati, S.H., M.Si
Uncontrolled Keywords: party wear, plus size women, Bogor batik motifs, Tunggul Kawung motifs busana pesta, wanita plus size, motif batik Bogor, motif Tunggul Kawung
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
N Fine Arts > NC Drawing Design Illustration
Depositing User: Kania Sifa Zanesha
Date Deposited: 26 Aug 2024 04:53
Last Modified: 26 Aug 2024 04:53

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