Olahan Buah Carica Dalam Fotografi Still Life

Safitri, Anna Berliana (2024) Olahan Buah Carica Dalam Fotografi Still Life. Diploma thesis, Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif Jakarta.

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Carica fruit is a fruit from the Dieng plateau, Wonosobo district, Central Java. Carica fruit is a small type of papaya but has different characteristics. The names Mountain Papaya, Karika Fruit, and Carica Papaya are given by residents around Dieng. The content per 100 grams of Carica Fruit is 93 grams of water and 24 calories and there are many important nutrients such as Calcium, Phosphorus, Carbohydrates, Fat, Protein, Iron, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C. Processed Carica Fruit is one of Dieng's typical souvenirs, Carica fruit is usually made into various preparations such as chips, jam, sweets, diamonds, dodol, yoghurt and syrup. Currently, there are still many people outside Dieng who do not know about Carica Fruit, because Carica Fruit can only grow in the Dieng plateau. Carica fruit is also a type of fruit that is not easy to find in areas other than Dieng, Wonosobo, Central Java. The development of photography is growing rapidly in this digital era, photography is really needed to support information about an object. Information about an object can have a big impact on readers, from those who don't know about the object to those who do.
Keywords: Carica Fruit, Processed Carica, Photography.

Buah Carica adalah buah dataran tinggi Dieng, kabupaten Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah. Buah Carica termasuk jenis papaya kecil namun memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda. Sebutan Pepaya gunung, buah Karika, dan Carica Pepaya diberikan oleh warga sekitar Dieng. Kandungan per 100gram buah Carica adalah 93gram air dan 24 kalori dan masih banyaknya nutrisi penting seperti, Kalsium, Fosfor, Karbohidrat, Lemak, Protein, Besi, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C. Olahan buah Carica adalah salah satu oleh-oleh khas Dieng, buah Carica biasanya menjadi beberapa olahan seperti Keripik, Selai, Manisan, Wajik, Dodol, Yoghurt, dan Sirup. Saat ini masih banyak Masyarakat luar Dieng yang belum mengetahui buah Carica, karena buah Carica hanya bisa tumbuh di dataran tinggi Dieng. Buah Carica juga merupakan jenis buah yang tidak mudah ditemukan di daerah selain Dieng, Wonosobo Jawa Tengah. Perkembangan fotografi kian berkembang pesat di era digital ini, fotografi sangat dibutuhkan untuk mendukung mengenai informasi bagi suatu objek. Informasi mengenai suatu objek bisa berdampak besar kepada pembacanya dari yang belum mengetahui objek tersebut sampai mengetahuinya.
Kata Kunci: Buah Carica, Olahan Carica, Fotografi.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Additional Information: 1. Irpan Riana, M. Sn. ; 2. Rezki Gautama Tanrere, M. Ds.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Carica Fruit, Processed Carica, Photography, Buah Carica, Olahan Carica, Fotografi.
Subjects: T Technology > TR Photography
Divisions: Polimedia Jakarta > Jurusan Penerbitan > Prodi Fotografi
Depositing User: Anna Berliana Safitri
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2024 03:28
Last Modified: 30 Aug 2024 03:28
URI: http://repository.polimedia.ac.id/id/eprint/10193

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