Adeliana Saputri, Yunita (2024) PERANCANGAN DESAIN USER INTERFACE WEBSITE ILMI MEDIKA GUNA MEMBANGUN BRAND AWARENESS. Diploma thesis, Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif.

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In the digital era, the internet facilitates access to information, including through websites. Ilmi Medika, a health center in Sumedang focusing on women's, maternal, and child care services, requires a website as an effective and efficient information medium. This website is essential for reflecting the company's credibility and brand identity. Currently, Ilmi Medika does not have a website, which hampers the broad dissemination of information. This Final Project Report aims to understand the process of designing the user interface for Ilmi Medika's website to build brand awareness. The methods used include AISAS and design thinking, with data collection techniques such as observation, interviews, and literature studies. As a result, the author succeeded in creating a layout consistent with the brand identity, using harmonious colors, typography, and visual elements. In conclusion, the user interface design for Ilmi Medika successfully enhances brand awareness through an attractive and accessible design approach, making the website an essential tool in Ilmi Medika's branding strategy.
Keywords: Website, Ilmi Medika, Brand Awareness, AISAS, User Interface

Di era digital, internet memudahkan akses informasi, termasuk melalui website. Ilmi Medika merupakan pusat kesehatan di Kota Sumedang yang berfokus pada layanan wanita, ibu, dan anak, membutuhkan website untuk media informasi yang efektif dan efisien. Website ini penting untuk mencerminkan kredibilitas dan brand identity perusahaan. Saat ini, Ilmi Medika belum memiliki website, yang menghambat penyampaian informasi secara luas. Laporan Tugas Akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses perancangan desain user interface website Ilmi Medika guna membangun brand awareness. Metode yang digunakan adalah AISAS dan design thinking, dengan teknik pengumpulan data seperti observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka. Hasilnya, penulis berhasil menciptakan layout yang konsisten dengan brand identity, menggunakan warna, tipografi, dan elemen visual yang selaras. Kesimpulannya, desain user interface Ilmi Medika berhasil memperkuat brand awareness melalui pendekatan desain yang menarik dan mudah diakses, menjadikan website sebagai alat penting dalam strategi branding Ilmi Medika
Kata Kunci: Website, Ilmi Medika, Brand Awareness, AISAS, User Interface

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Additional Information: 1. Nurul Akmalia., S.I.Kom., M.Med.Kom 2. Muhammad Nur, M.Kom
Uncontrolled Keywords: Keywords: Website, Ilmi Medika, Brand Awareness, AISAS, User Interface Kata Kunci: Website, Ilmi Medika, Brand Awareness, AISAS, User Interface
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
N Fine Arts > NC Drawing Design Illustration
Divisions: Polimedia Jakarta > Jurusan Penerbitan > Prodi Periklanan
Depositing User: Yunita Adeliana Saputri
Date Deposited: 29 Aug 2024 03:47
Last Modified: 29 Aug 2024 03:47

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