Pembuatan Website Penanganan Quarter Life Crisis dengan Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Bunaya, Rosvien Tyastie Mulia Annisa (2024) Pembuatan Website Penanganan Quarter Life Crisis dengan Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Diploma thesis, Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif.

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Quarter Life Crisis, a phenomenon of anxiety and excessive worry about the future related to finances, career, and relationships between the ages of 20-30, can be overcome with Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (iCBT). The Quarter Life Crisis website system presents an iCBT website solution that can be accessed independently, allowing users to perform therapy anytime and anywhere through various devices and browsers. This system is designed according to the iCBT concept with essential features, namely: (1) Quarter Life Crisis Test to measure the level of crisis, (2) Relaxation to divert negative thoughts, (3) Mood Tracker to monitor mental condition, (4) Reminder notifications, and (5) Articles/Blogs to
improve mental health knowledge. Feasibility testing shows perfect website
functionality (100%), usability testing on 10 students and 20 employees shows a very feasible percentage (83.40%), and compatibility testing is good on various devices (desktop, tablet, mobile) by paying attention to the function of graphic elements, screen display, buttons, and AJAX/Java Script. This system is ready to help young adults overcome quarter-life crisis anxiety independently and effectively.
Keywords: Website, Quarter Life Crisis, dan Internet Based Cognitive Behavioral

Quarter Life Crisis, fenomena kecemasan dan kekhawatiran berlebih terhadap masa depan terkait finansial, karir, dan relasi pada usia 20-30 tahun, dapat diatasi dengan Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (iCBT). Sistem website Quarter Life Crisis ini menghadirkan solusi website iCBT yang dapat diakses secara mandiri, memungkinkan pengguna melakukan terapi kapanpun dan dimanapun melalui berbagai perangkat dan browser. Sistem ini dirancang sesuai konsep iCBT dengan fitur-fitur esensial yaitu, (1) Tes Quarter Life Crisis untuk mengukur tingkat krisis, (2) Relaksasi untuk mengalihkan pikiran negatif, (3) Mood Tracker untuk memantau kondisi jiwa, (4) notifikasi pengingat, dan (5) Artikel/Blog untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan kesehatan mental. Uji kelayakan menunjukkan fungsionalitas website yang sempurna (100%), Uji usability terhadap 10 mahasiswa dan 20 karyawan menunjukan persentase sangat layak (83,40%), dan uji kompatibilitas yang baik di berbagai perangkat (desktop, tablet, mobile) dengan memperhatikan fungsi elemen grafis, tampilan layar, tombol, dan AJAX/Java Script. Sistem ini siap membantu dewasa awal mengatasi kecemasan Quarter Life Crisis secara mandiri dan efektif.
Kata Kunci: Website, Quarter Life Crisis, dan Internet Based Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Additional Information: Pembimbing 1. Rudy Cahyadi, M. T Pembimbing 2. Nofiandri Setyasmara, S. T., M. Ak., M.T
Uncontrolled Keywords: Website, Quarter Life Crisis, dan Internet Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology
L Education > L Education (General)
N Fine Arts > N Visual arts (General) For photography, see TR
N Fine Arts > NC Drawing Design Illustration
R Medicine > RZ Other systems of medicine
Divisions: Polimedia Jakarta > Jurusan Desain > Prodi Teknologi Rekayasa Multimedia
Depositing User: Rosvien Tyastie Mulia Annisa Bunaya
Date Deposited: 16 Aug 2024 02:05
Last Modified: 16 Aug 2024 02:05

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