Perancangan Rebranding Identitas Visual PT SUCOFINDO

Dimas, Rafi Ramadhan (2024) Perancangan Rebranding Identitas Visual PT SUCOFINDO. Diploma thesis, Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif.

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PT SUCOFINDO is a company engaged in survey services, namely inspection, testing and certification. PT SUCOFINDO has experienced significant development of its services since the last rebranding of its logo in 1989. However, this development has not been accompanied by a visual identity adapted to the times. Apart from this, PT SUCOFINDO does not have a Graphic Standard Manual as a guideline to using the visual identity. Based on the above background, the design has been carried out with the main work of the Graphic Standard Manual and supporting works used as a visual identity application. The objective of this design is that PT SUCOFINDO can build a corporate image in accordance with existing guidelines. The author initiated the design of a visual identity rebranding with the concept of design thinking. The theory is supported by methodology in the form of observation, interviews, and literature studies. Based on these theories and methodologies, the author designed the visual identity by dividing the process into pre-production, production, and post-production. The author hopes that this Graphic Standard Manual book can be the right support to provide guidance to businesses to maintain their brand image.
Keywords: Rebranding, Graphic Standard Manual, survey, brand image.

PT SUCOFINDO merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa survei yaitu inspeksi, pengujian, dan sertifikasi. PT SUCOFINDO mengalami perkembangan layanan jasa yang signifikan sejak terakhir kali perusahaan memperbaharui logo di tahun 1989. Namun, perkembangan tersebut tidak diiringi dengan identitas visual yang menyesuaikan dengan zaman. Selain itu, PT SUCOFINDO tidak memiliki Graphic Standard Manual sebagai pedoman penggunaan identitas visual. Berdasarkan latar belakang diatas, maka perancangan telah dilakukan dengan hasil karya utama Graphic Standard Manual serta karya pendukung yang digunakan sebagai pengaplikasian identitas visual. Perancangan ini bertujuan sebagai upaya membangun citra perusahaan sesuai dengan pedoman yang ada. Perancangan rebranding identitas visual menggunakan teori design thinking. Teori tersebut didukung dengan metodologi yang berupa observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka. Berdasarkan teori dan metodologi tersebut, penulis merancang identitas visual dengan membagi proses menjadi pra-produksi, produksi, dan pasca-produksi. Penulis berharap bahwa Graphic Standard Manual ini dapat menjadi media yang tepat dalam memberi panduan terhadap PT SUCOFINDO agar tetap menjaga citra perusahaan.
Kata kunci: Rebranding, Graphic Standard Manual, survei, citra perusahaan.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Additional Information: 1. Lani Siti Noor Aisyah, M.Ds. 2. Muhammad Ridwan Ario Bimo, M.Sn.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Rebranding, Graphic Standard Manual, survei, citra perusahaan.
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LT Textbooks
N Fine Arts > NE Print media
N Fine Arts > NK Decorative arts Applied arts Decoration and ornament
N Fine Arts > NX Arts in general
T Technology > T Technology (General)
Divisions: Polimedia Jakarta > Jurusan Desain > Prodi Desain Grafis
Depositing User: Dimas Rafi Ramadhan
Date Deposited: 26 Aug 2024 03:02
Last Modified: 26 Aug 2024 03:02

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